娑婆物語(Legend of Saha)のメモ


これ https://www.4399.com/flash/43741.htm  のゲーム内テキストのメモ書き





Memory 1

Misei nana tsuki is me. A sense of existence flow into my body. The thing sealed in the tower, is part of my soul with the memory attach to it. I was the Asura before, because of the mistaken fate, my soul was sealed my Moysoluer, and divided into 13 parts, scattered in the heaven. so i shoud not be reborn forever. However, I had a powerful vow, by 500 years time, i gathered the physical body again, finally reborned under the Sumeru mountain. To solve the mystery of my past life, I must collect all the 13 parts of my soul

Memory 2

I have been fought with Sakra Devanam in Trayastrimsas. At that time, Sudarsana was windy and foggy. I stood in the city along, in front of me was a giant tower piercing the sky. Suddenly, a light dropped from the heaven with a clap of thunder. I concentrated to generate my power from the heart, then imagined the light-ning escapes into void, and i was intact. After unlocking the tower, the defend abillity recoverd. But it makes me feel more curious, how can i have theese abillities? Press C to Defend, Attention, You can not move during defending state, and it will cost SP.

Memory 3

All the three realms and six ways of this saha world was controlled by the power of vow and the power of karma the power of karma means you actions in past lifetimes can determine your present and future, and cannnot been affected by human forces. The power of vow was generate from human mentals, The origin of the world was human minds, so what you consider in your mind will definitely affect the facts in the world.

Memory 4

Asuraess always are very gorgeous yet indulgent and jealous. Three are also someone who turn to be asura, because of they have heavy resentments in their former lives and they do not want to forget. These kind of lives will not forget anything in ther former lives after they turn to be asura, they swear to achieve their aspirations, otherwise they will not reincarnate again.

Memory 5

At that time, I was been trapped into magic array by yama with thousands of orbs sur-rounded me. However, there are many magic badges scatter all over the idem, after collection I can use their to stop the time for a short break. Then I concentrate to release the power sealed into the badge, and when the time stopped for a while, I escaped out of the array. After collecting the purple badge, press V to freeze time. Each time will cost one badge, the effect will last of 5 seconds.

Memory 6

After breaking through three levels in the idem, I reached Tusita Heaven. Out of my imagi-nation, there was no military wait me here, instead of that were many barren signs. Ruins everywhere and it is really easy to drop down by accident. When I tried to jump across the cliff, a gust of wind almost blew me down. It seems to be that if I want to get across here, I must find the gear and stop it.

Memory 7

In front of me, was a giant cliff that i am not able to jump cross. I suspected that must be the Gods cut off the road in order to block me here. After thinking for a while, I believe there must be another gear somewhere will show me the way

Memory 8

In the former life before I becoming asura, I was a street orphan. One day I was adapted by he high priest of Nalan country, then i became a saintess. This is a small country of theocracy, according to the legend, thousands of years ago, the deity has been here and created the country. Nalan country's people believe in god bless, saintess is the girl who guard the purity of the gods, they must be virgin with a pure mind, so as to be able to communicate with Gods. So passed in quiet and peaceful in ten years.

Memory 9

The world changed rapidly, in such an era of feudal hegemony, after the failure of the dip-lomatic, Nalan suffered a crusde army. As a religious country with week military, Nalan existed in chaos for thousands years, be-cause it has Gods'shelter. At the worship day. all the citizens with to seek the grace of Gods. And I, as a saintess, it would be my destiny, gave my life, released my soul in order to deliver the pray of nalan to the god.

Memory 10

In the heaven, Gods promised to my soul to save the Nalan country. After that I intended to finally glance at the country which survived because of me, then forget everything, run into the reincarnation. However, what incredible was, in my sight was a giant ruin, the country has been desto-ryed by the war and the past civilizations have been died. I can not believe that, as the Gods who worshiped by millions of people, would actually go against their promise, seeing a country destroyed. With tremendous resentment in my heart, I reborned as asura, vowing to expose the hy-pocrisy of the world

Memory 11

After the survey among the six ways, I finally understand that God is nothing but the ex-istence of another hidden desires. People, who reincarnate to be god, usually did a lot good things in their former lives. As Gods, they are beyond the physical limitaions and can get contagious magic. As long as their magic not exhausted, they can enjoy the happiness of heaven and will not die. For a time, it was good. Gods maintain good and justice of the world, they help Good man, Kind Woman to achieve their wish, and then get the power of vow from people who wish to nourish their own magic.

Memory 12

However, thousands of years later, Gods finally been swallowed up by their vast material desires, they want to always be God, and they want to use their magic to meet even more desires. To this end, they gave up their belief, regardless of good and evil, they will help people to realize whatever wishes, as long as those who wish can offer more power of vow to pay for the Gods' help Compared to the life of a saintess, the aggressors who taking Nalan country willing to mas-sacre, to use the whole city to feed Gods, So, without any hesitation, Gods wnet back on their words, Just let a country been evaparated. From the day I understood all of these, I swear, let me destroy the Gods like thesel

Memory 13

Finally, after a fierce battle hundreds of day and night, I stood in front of Moysoluer, sepa-rated by only one enchantment. This enchantment was build by gandharva with all the desires of the Gods, which is a bar-rier unable to break through. I cannot believe, few steps away from the Gods I sweared to destroy, I totally have no idea of how to do. Suddenly, a giant power generated from my body, I walked through the enchantment of the gods step by step. Through the last skin of the enchantment, I could see the destorted face fo Moysoluer, He smiled weidly, full of irony.


  • Memory 8から12あたりの過去話が重要そう


  • 十字軍によるNalan国への侵略が起きた
  • 主人公はNalan国の聖女として民の祈りを魂を捧げて神々に届けた
  • 天国で神々はNalan国を救うと約束した
  • 主人公は、救われたNalan国を見てから(記憶を捨て)輪廻転生に入ろうとした
  • Nalan国は救われておらず、文明が滅んだ廃墟となっていた
  • 多くの人に崇拝されている神々がなぜ約束を違えたのか
  • 神々も元々は人類で、欲望を持ち、人々の「願い」によって力を得ている
  • Nalan国を救うよりも、十字軍に加担する方が多くの「願い」の力を得ることができた
  • 主人公は神々への復讐を誓った